U8-U18 Phases
Fundamental Phase (U7 to U8) The “FUNdamental” phase should be well structured and fun! The emphasis is on the overall development of the player's physical capacities and their fundamental movement skills - Agility, Balance, Speed and Coordination. Appropriate and correct running, jumping and throwing techniques are taught in this phase. In the introductory phase, making sure the players are having fun is crucial to the long term development.
Technical Phase (U9 to U11) The introductory phase to competitive soccer is the foundation for a player's development. Players need to develop basic technical skills at this age level witch help and prepares them for the implementation of tactical ideas at the older age levels. Many good and bad habits are established at this age level. Therefore, training and attention is focused on the proper technical development of the player. Basic tactical ideas are introduced, but priority stays focused on repetition with the ball! Trainings need to be fun and exciting. All teams in these age groups play small-side games of 8v8.
Tactical Phase (U12 to U14) The focus for players in this age level includes technical development with pressure, small group tactics and transitioning training with the backs, midfielders and forwards. Players still need to review and maintain the technical phases already established from the younger age levels with regards to technique and tactics. Trainings should still be fun and exciting, but there should be a greater demand to quality, creativity and success. Games are now 11v11.
Competitive Phase (U15 to U18) The focus at the upper age levels is speed of play and team tactical development. All previous development in technical and tactical exercises are maintained in training but they are now applied to the team and the game of 11v11.